In search of food-fillment



Chefology was founded at Kent State University after students saw a need for an educational organization focused on the fundamentals of cooking. Student Members of Chefology are provided opportunities to cook in an educational and social setting; students are encouraged to explore local markets and farms, and are provided resources to be financially competent. We find education on all cuisines and cultures to be imperative and often welcome guest speakers to share their backgrounds. The development of Chefology will continue with the mission “to educate and inspire through food” with hopes to impact many people throughout the world providing education on the fundamentals of cooking.

I enjoy Chefology so much because it’s a place for people who have a passion for food to get together and share that passion, which didn’t exist prior to this club.
— Ryan Morrow, Kent State University
Chefology is what has pushed me to learn new things, and spend time with friends these past few semesters. On weekends where I might otherwise be sitting around doing nothing, instead I am at the West Side Market, or running through a corn maze, or learning how to make cow tongue taste delicious on a homemade taco shell. It has been insanely fun, and I don’t want the fun to end for the summer.
— Ben Good, Kent State University